Mohican 100 Mountain Bike Race – Aid Stations and Crews
Posted on: 30 Dec 2012

The Seasoned Pro's at Team BikeSource of Columbus and Kent Cycle headed up Aid Station One for many years serving more than 650 racers for 20+ years, just 20 miles into the race! 

“I just wanted to get a quick note to say thank you and your team for putting on an incredible event. I have NEVER been to such a well-supported race ever. I felt like I was entering a Formula 1 race team pit stop at Aid station #1. Actually I was treated like I was royalty and that really left a lasting impression. I sincerely appreciate all of the effort put in and will return next year.”

Mohican 100 Racer, Adrian Fahey


Aid Station Information
There will be 6 aid stations for the Mohican 100 again this year. 100-mile Racers are permitted drops at your choice of aid stations 2, 3, 4. 100k racers can drop at 2. We will have the following items at the aid stations again this year. That may help you determine what to pack in your drop bags. One Gallon size see-through zip lock freezer bags are available at registration. Dropping a Hydrapak is ok as well.


Coca Cola
Hammer Nutrition Products: Hammer Heed Electrolyte drink, Racer's should bring their own Hammer Gel’s, however, there will some hammer gels available at the aid stations.

Fruit, typically cut Banana's, oranges, watermelon. 

Trail Mix


AID STATION DIRECTIONS from SR 3 in Loudonville

Aid 1: Mohican Forest Trailhead 2 located just off SR 97 in the Mohican State Forest: Head south on SR 3, past Mohican State Park entrance, to SR 97, (approximately 2 miles) turn right onto SR 97 and continue about 3 miles to the second park road entrance adjacent to the Horse Day Use area. Turn Right, less than ¼ mile at the split in the road, veer to the right. Aid Station is located about 1 block further on the right at MTB trailhead two parking area. Racer's will begin to reach aid one by 8:30am.

PARKING: Parking for ALL spectators and crews. Due to limited space, do not park at the aid station. Drive past the aid station and park at the Mohican Youth Center located less than a 1/4 mile past the aid station on your left. There is plenty of parking available there.

Aid 2, Mohican Wilderness Camp Pavlion: Located 10 miles south of SR3 in Loudonville on Wally Road.

Aid 3, Brinkhaven Bridge of Dreams: off limits to family and crews 

Aid 4 Mohican State Park Class A Pavilion: Off of SR3, Park in Mountain Bike Parking lot and follow trail signs under SR3 to pavilion.

Aid 5: Mohican Forest Trailhead 2 located just off SR 97 in the Mohican State Forest: Head south on SR 3, past Mohican State Park entrance, to SR 97, (approximately 2 miles) turn right onto SR 97 and continue about 3 miles to the second park road entrance adjacent to the Horse Day Use area. Turn Right, less than ¼ mile at the split in the road, veer to the right. Aid Station is located about 1 block further on the right at MTB trailhead two parking area. Racer's will begin to reach aid five by estimated 2-3pm

PARKING: Parking for ALL spectators and crews. Due to limited space, do not park at the aid station. Drive past the aid station and park at the Mohican Youth Center located less than a 1/4 mile past the aid station on your left. There is plenty of parking available there.




THIS IS A SELF SUPPORTED EVENT. As always, no feeds outside of the aid stations!! Doing so may result in disqualification of racer!!Crews are not allowed to follow racers along the course! FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN THE RACER’S DISQUALIFICATION.


Principle: A level playing field

Rule: Racers are not allowed to accept parts, including wheel sets and spare bike’s, or any supplies not available to ALL racers from support crews and/or spectators at ANY time. This includes aid stations that allow crew access. Only parts and/or supplies included in drop bags will be allowed or cables, tubes, tires, etc. offered by aid station volunteers to ALL racers. RACERS RECEIVING SPARE PARTS, BIKES, WHEEL SETS, ETC. FROM SUPPORT CREWS MAY BE DISQUALIFIED.

PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY WHO MAKE THIS RACE POSSIBLE. NO SPEEDING ON BACK DIRT ROADS. No parking on SR97 at the horse trail crossing!! Failure to comply may result in a traffic citation issued by park officers.


Aid Station Cut-Off times and mileage:

Aid Station 1 and 5 (mile 20.3) Mohican Forest Trailhead: 11:30am

Aid Station 2 (mile 42.4) Mohican Wilderness: 3pm

Aid Station 3 (mile 57.7) Brinkhaven Bridge of Dreams: 4pm for 100 milers only

Aid Station 4 and 6 (100k 62.4, 100 mile 77.2, and 91) Mohican State Park Class A Pavilion, 8pm

Finish Line cut off for all racers: 9:30pm


Hammer Nutrition is the official nutrition sponsor of the Mohican 100. Aid Stations will stock water and Hammer Heed along with a variety of foods, both salty and sweet. All Aid stations will feature Hammer Nutrition products including Hammer Heed. All Natural Hammer Nutrition products do not contain artificial sweeteners or simple sugars and have become the choice of many top athletes. To learn more about hammer nutrition and how you can benefit now by including Hammer Nutrition in your training plan, visit

RACERS NOTE: If you require special foods, it is recommended that you include them in your drop bags.